Saturday, 13 August 2011

Trials and Jaundice

It might be a little late to say it since it's practically ending at this point...
I'm sitting for my SPM trials! :D / D8
Yeah, the latter emoticon might be more appropriate for considering this situation...
I'll upload exam hall pictures later
The connection here isn't exactly super =.="
Anyway, we still have bio, chem and for me, Arts 2 (yeay!! ♥)
I have absolutely no idea what I should draw, though... -sigh-
I'll think of something by Thursday
I'm sort of dreading my results for certain subjects (physicsphyscisphysics)
Particularly PHYSICS because our teacher said something along the lines of:

"Saya harap Paper 3 awak dapat cover Paper 1 awak, ya?"

SO you can probably imagine what our expressions were like when she said that...
and again, when she said only 8/126 of us scored 40+/50 for Paper 1
Holy schmucks
Are we really that bad?

Jaundice? What jaundice?
I just realized I've purposely been avoiding mentioning my medical sitches here
-probably because I rant about them somewhere else-
But I didn't have time to go rant there this week thanks to the above topic, so here I am.
Yes, apparently, I have jaundice
Not one of those sever cases with the fevers and the extreme lethargy and the complete loss of appetite accompanied with mustardy yellowness
But jaundice, all the same
The whites of my eyes are yellow and my face looks like a faded langsat or something... I don't know (-A-)
So here I am, back on the 5th floor of Surgical A, South Tower of SDMC...
My old room is just down the hall and around the corner (and down the hall some more)
Do I miss this?
Hell no.
I almost broke down crying when they told me I was getting warded TT^TT
Funny part about my return here is:

1) One of the nurses is a current ward resident, LOL
2) Some of the nurses didn't recognize me at ALLS XD
Possibly because I've lost almost 20 kilos since I left (on steroids) and I actually have hair now

Buuut I'm getting better. The yellowness has become pretty much diluted :)
Which means I can probably go back tomorrow
Which means I... can... sit for my chemistry paper on Monday...
uh... yeay?
Ah, I'm gonna go drain my OJ now ♥