Sunday, 5 June 2011

Platypuses and Greensleeves

You know, back when I was in Form 1 in TKC, sometimes we would hear someone playing  Für Elise on the grand piano in the hall.
After midnight, that is.

I swear, my mother loves to tell ghost stories... especially ones about my current school, TKC >_>
There are two music boxes-- Für Elise and Greensleeves
I picked Greensleeves cuz it sounds more haunting coming from a tiny music box♫♩
I wonder why they didn't find one that plays Waltzing Matilda?

Anyway, my family just got back from Australia (at 5a.m. this morning)
and I was alerted of their return by incessant banging on the door by retarded peoples -__-
I mean, come on
You do not bang on a teenager's door unless you brought her something totally awesome from wherever it is you came from.
2 platypuses and floating penguins in a bag do not count.
In fact... one of those Australian cowboy-ish hats would've been totally awesome.
But no.
They got me a platypus hand puppet.
Okay, fine.. it is kinda cute -w-"

Ah... there go my days of peaceful solitude at home T^T
Does this mean I'm going to have to forfeit my room upstairs once again?

Oh! Oh!
I practiced driving again a few minutes ago >w<
If there were any cars in that parking lot, I would have bulldozed them in no time
Well, it's called maneuver practice for a reason, right?
I wasn't doing so bad after the first hundred circuits or so

Alrighty, time to... go do something else.

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